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Malaysia Work Visa

All the application for VDR has to be made by the sponsor / company / Institution in Malaysia (to the Immigration Department of Malaysia).

Applicant’s Document Checklist for Malaysia Work Visa

  • Passport* (original and 2 copy of Bio Pages of Passport

  • 3 recent photograph 3.5 cm * 5cm 60% - 70% face appearance in white background only.

  • VDR Approval Letter in a sealed envelope

  • Invitation letter / covering letter / supporting document(s) (if any)

  • Valid address proof of India.

  • For Applicants with E-VDR letter who wish to submit  their Applications in Mumbai, Ahmedabad and Pune:

  • Passports which are not issued from Maharashtra/ Madhya Pradesh/Gujarat/Goa needs to submit two stay proofs of their residence as per the below mentioned list:

    • Lease and License Agreement

    • Last three month updated bank statementMarriage Certificate

    • Aadhar Card.

Employer's Document Checklist for Malaysia Work Visa

  • Letter from the company / institution in Malaysia

  • Letter of appointment

  • Address proof in the Companies letter head (Original) if the Company has provided accommodation.

Sanctum Consulting Work Visa Process and Services

  • Filling the Application Forms

  • Customizing Document Checklist as per the applicant's case

  • Submission of the documents at Malaysian visa facilitation center.

  • Helping with the required letter formats for the employer and employee.

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